My searches for websites and videos regarding this subject have mostly been referenced on other blogs from this class. Something Tori wrote aligned with my thinking: "Since I plan on focusing my blog closely on my classroom and meeting the needs of my students, I do not think it is necessary that I deal with advertising and all that. I am not trying to go global or become famous because of my blog therefore, I am not going to go to extreme measures to promote it."
A key exception to the student/parent-only informational model would be for one's blog to connect to other teachers around the country so as to share best practices & ideas. As I look for such teacher blogs they aren't difficult to find using Google ( is a history & social studies best practices example). It would appear that using a facility like Digg is a way to publisize one's own blog to make it easier to find by other teachers. Naming one's own blog can make it easier or more difficult for others to find. I originally named my blog "Mr. Wellen's Warehouse" trying to be creative using a "catchy" name. That is fine when one's only audience is one's students and their parents. However, in order to reach teh wider teacher community, a title like "Social Studies and History Teacher's Blog - Finding resources for teaching social studies" (from the above url) brings it to the top of the list from a Google search.
Good point! The name you choose for your blog can really help or work against the ease of promoting it. I am still unsure what I would name my blog that I intend on using for my classroom. I honestly never planned on using blogs as the teacher....I always hoped it would be a fun activity and change for the students. So it is really interesting how most of us have been focusing on personal use of blogs in education! :)